The Strength of Pancasila Against Radicalism Propaganda: A Brief Study According to Yudhi Latif's Thoughts
The purpose of this study is to find out what is the power of Pancasila in Radicalism because the radical understanding that develops, especially in Indonesia, brings influence from various aspects, causing problems in Indonesia, both in terms of social, political or other. Because the notion of Radicalism is an understanding made by a group of people who want a drastic change or renewal of the social and political order by using violence . Meanwhile, according to Hafid (2020) explains that the radicalism movement is an attitude or spirit that leads to actions aimed at weakening and changing the established order by replacing it with new ideas or understandings. However, there are views of radicalism in Indonesia that are simply fighting for the implementation of Islamic law without having to establish an Islamic state, but there are also views that are fighting for the establishment of the Islamic state of Indonesia. In addition, this understanding also aims to fight for the establishment of the caliphate which is misinterpreted by using various organizational patterns.
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